The Sifarish Network


Business Name
KBH Chartered Professional Accountants
  • English


I am a chartered professional accountant and family business advisor by trade focused on helping business owners develop strategic growth plans and prepare for transition/sale of their business.  I have specific training with family owned businesses to help them through the unique challenges that exist in this world.

I am also a connector of people and am passionate about helping people connect with those they need to improve their business and personal lives.

Education & Work Achievements

  • Bcomm - International Business and Finance
  • Chartered Accountant
  • Family Enterprise Advisor
Work History
  • 23+ years in the accounting, tax planning, strategy and succession planning world,
  • helping people become more successful
Licenses & Certificates
  • CPA - Chartered Professional Accountant
  • CA - Chartered Accountant
  • FEA - Family Enterprise Advisor

Contact Details

Social Info

Why Sifarish?

Why did you join The Sifarish Network?
I love connecting people and engaging in meaningful conversation. My goal is to use my network in helping people succeed. The Sifarish Network allows me to expand my network while bringing my connections into the group for the benefit of all.